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Being an Unconstrained Being

Classical theism delineates several properties of God that may seem arbitrary. The most hotly contended of these among Christians and skeptics are the "omni" properties: omniscience: omnipotence; and omnibenevolence. These simply mean that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving.

Those mini-definitions are not quite sufficient. a few tweaks are required to maintain coherence. To be omniscience would not be very useful if one knew all falsehood as well as all truth, so we say omniscience is knowing only and all truth. Similarly, omnipotence can't mean one could do just anything regardless of whether it is logically possible. So omniscience becomes the ability to do anything that is logically possible. But what about omnibenevolence? surely there is no limit on love? Well, yes, there must be. If one is all knowing then one knows what is absolutely and eternally best for all beings, and one would not do anything to contravene that. And that would let out most of what us imperfect and foolish beings actually want; even most of that which we want with all our hearts.
